Brayton Academy students embrace Internet Safety Week
Brayton Academy is gearing up for Internet Safety Week, which takes place from 2 to 6 October 2023.
During the week, students will attend assemblies and take part in activities during form time which focus on the importance of online safety, creating secure spaces online, and managing potentially harmful digital situations.
The objective of Internet Safety Week is to empower students to become informed and responsible digital citizens who can harness the power of the internet while guarding against its potential pitfalls. With the ever-expanding digital landscape, teaching students how to navigate it safely is of great importance.
Al Moon, Principal at Brayton Academy, said: "In today's interconnected world, it is crucial for young people to not only be tech-savvy but also well-informed about the potential risks and responsibilities that come with an online presence.
“Brayton Academy recognises that fostering digital citizenship is not only about safeguarding students but also about empowering them to harness the positive aspects of the internet for learning and personal growth.
“By the end of Internet Safety Week, students are expected to have acquired valuable skills that will serve them well in their online journeys, whilst supporting them to keep safe online.”
The week's events have been organised by the Academy's IT team alongside IT teachers, who have tailored the program to cater to students of all ages and digital proficiency levels. Keep up to date by following the Academy on Twitter.
For more information and resources for parents, professionals and young people can also visit